Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life as a Mom

It's 6:45am. Number One Son comes running. "I just opened up the bag to get my socks and I was hit by an incredible stench!"

Lesson #362: If you put wet soccer socks and shoes into a bag and leave them there for 24 hours, they ripen!

Instead of the warm shower I had anticipated at 6:45, I spent the next many minutes searching for a lone clean soccer sock. The 2nd pair of socks were washed as they arrived, which meant one each weekend, and the first one washed vanished into the cyclone he calls his room. He finally went to practice wearing shin guards, ankle socks, and long fleece sweats to hide the abomination. He was wearing the fleece pants anyway. #1Son does not like to be cold or wet. And yet soccer practice in October is at 7am.

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