Sunday, April 12, 2009

Purple Skirty--Finished Object!

Okay, so my last several posts have been about the baby skirt in progress. I finally got a design that worked, that I'm really happy with. For the skirt, I cast on using a magic cast on, leaving live stitches on a circular needle while I knitted the skirt top-down.

When the skirt was complete, I knitted it together with the panty and knitted a unified waist band.

Now, blocked and ready to go, I think it's adorable! It was knitted on size 8 needles, using Cascade 220 Quatro and Nature Spun Worsted.

Yesterday, I was in a thrift store, looking for things to cut up, as usual. I perused the baby aisle, checking to see if I could find a matching shirt, one that wouldn't be TOO MUCH PURPLE, not TOO MUCH FRILLY, and not DORA THE EXPLORA or any other commercialised kinda thing. I believe I found the very perfectest shirt!

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