Monday, October 26, 2009

Evil Hat Heels, Laughing

Pattern: Hat Heel Socks

Yarn: Gothsocks in Evil Laugh

It's so not gothy, but this song is all about Gothsocks, if you ask me:

What is love?
What is love?
I think I know what love is.
I think I know what love is.
I think I know…I think
What is love? What is love?
How do you say…
How do you say…
Dewith it?
Ooh lala lalalalala
How do you say delicious?
How do you say delovely?
How do you say delectable?
How do you say devine?
How do you say deGROOVY?

(Lyrics by Deee-Lite)

1 comment:

Amy said...

ooooooo, I love those socks! It looks perfect with that sweater. I actually have that CD and you're the only other person that I've ever met that knows that song. That was my standard cd that I would listen to to clean my room when I was in high school.