Wednesday, September 04, 2013


So one day I found a pattern for a self-barfing stripey monster. Yes. And of course I had to make it. Right away.

Now way back in 2007, I bought a heap of yarn on closeout, because the colours were so pretty and, well... YARN.

And some of that yarn is still kicking around my stash. So, fortunately, I was able to just start knitting that night. A few days later... viola! Stripey self-barfing monster!

I don't have any high-action hurling shots, and I can't take any, because this dude is now hanging out at the Utah State Fair.  Basically, you toss it around a little, get it really dizzy, and then it barfs itself out to a new colour.


heather said...

Cute! I hope it does well at the fair.

Rebecca S. said...

Oh now I get it, you didn't make two, you made one little monster. Katie and I thought it was so cute.