Friday, May 08, 2009

sewing with scraps

Sometimes, when I'm all done sewing a diaper, I still have lots of fabric left. I can't help but thinking of those scraps as useful.
I use the few remaining baby clothes about the house to draft a pattern.

Cut them so efficiently that there might be enough left for another.

Baby clothes take so little fabric!

...and we have a bodice! This is the back.

And this is the back of the dress. I cut the skirt from the t-shirt's sleeves.

And look! It matches the shorties just like I'd hoped.

1 comment:

Bodil said...

Så flink du er, og så flott resultatet vart:) Eg og er opptatt av gjenbruk, og synest det er kjekt å laga noko nytt av plagg som vi ikkje lenger brukar.